

百萬名琴「Fleta吉他」音樂賞析/演奏會~ Fleta ─Spanish Guitar Spring Musicale名家賞析/演奏會

In Memoriam–The great Spanish luthier Fleta family,(紀念西班牙偉大的製琴弗列塔家族)

 Ignacio & Gabriel Fleta (father & son)




主講人──周仲棣、 侯上勇

名琴賞析─周仲棣、 侯上勇 、李捷聲




客串演出─梁家奇、 侯上勇



上半場:介紹「伊格納西奧·弗列塔 Fleta Ignacio家族」

1897-1977,Ignacio Fleta,the Stradivarius of guitar makers

胡埃斯卡Huesa del Común 生於1897年7月31日 西班牙胡埃斯卡,木匠父親的幼兒,8歲時被音樂所吸引,並開始彈奏 bandurria and guitar吉他。


Bienvenido and Manuel


1915年,伊格納西奧和法蘭西斯科在巴賽隆納開辦了一家琴坊。伊格納西奧從法蘭西斯科那裏不僅學到了吉他製作的基本知識,同時也學到了製作其他絃樂器的方法。學習過大提琴演奏,並展現了非凡的才能。對大提琴的熱愛驅使他遠赴法國到Philippe Le Duc的琴坊裏接受進一步的培訓。


Benito JaumeEtienne MairePhilippe Le Duc from France.

his guitars were always constructed using the‘violin’method, which utilizes the technique of attaching the neck to the completed soundbox, as opposed to the ‘Spanish’ method, where the neck is attached to the sides at the outset of construction. 



1936 Fleta made a copy of Francisco Tarrega’s 1864 maple Torres after it passed through his workshop

(1936 Fleta仿製了一個以泰雷加1864年的楓樹。Torres答應放在他的店裡)



1936 Fleta made a copy of Francisco Tarrega’s 1864 maple Torres after it passed through his workshop

(1936 Fleta仿製了一個以泰雷加1864年的楓樹。Torres答應放在他的店裡)

1939到1945年一個名叫“Ars Musica”的音樂團體複製了一系列古老的樂器,包括一把哥特式豎琴,一支小提琴,一支魯特琴,一支維忽拉琴,和一把現代吉他,這批應邀製作的樂器獲得了極大的成功,而他的名字也從此聞名於世。

1955弗列塔第一次聽到安德列斯·塞戈維亞aradio program playing all Bach,他受到了深深的觸動並決定把餘生都奉獻給吉他製作。兩年之後,他完成了為塞戈維亞製作的三支吉他中的第一支,並因此聲名鵲起。


1956 John William visited Fleta & purchased his first Fleta guitar at his workshop

(John William 拜訪 Fleta 也購買了他的第一把Fleta guitar在他的店裡。)

1957 built Segovia’s first guitar in 1957 (Segovia, in the course of time, would order and purchase two others)


1950-1960(?)It was at this time that Fleta sought to more clearly define his personal style. Developing almost in parallel with Hauser II and Jose Ramirez III, he gradually moved away from the pure, lightweight Torres design, increasing the overall mass and stiffness of the entire instrument(Fleta在這個時候更清楚地尋找定義他個人的風格,發展速度跟HauserII 和Jose Ramirez III平行,他漸漸地脫離簡單、輕盈的Torres 模式,增加整個樂器的質量及觸感。)


1950-1960(?)around that period (1956-1960~1) with 7 fan struts but most of them did not survive well, many are cracked due to humidity factor, including the Fletas for Segovia and John Wiliams.

(在這期間用了七個fan struts都因為潮濕的因素而不堪使用,包括Fletas給Segovia和John Wiliams。)

New Fleta’s Design 9 fan struts and 4 harmonic bars–2 upper and 2 lower, while the back had an added 4th transverse brace).trademark qualities that have become associated almost uniquely with Fleta.

Fleta新的設計九個fan struts和4個harmonic bars,2個高音and 2 低音,獨樹一格的品質商標讓大家馬上聯想到Fleta.


Price of Fleta guitar(Fleta guitar的價格)1968 Fleta; the receipt is dated in February 1969 and the price was 35,000 pesetas.


the exchange rate at that time was 70 pesetas to the dollar, the price works out to $500 US,

(當時外匯率70 pesetas約是500美金)

In 1969 U.S.A:
Average cost of gasoline: 35 cents/gallon
Average cost of a full-sized car: $3000

(在1969美國平均 一加侖 的汽油35分錢,平均一台車要花費3000美金。)


 a short list of players would include Alirio Diaz, Turibio Santos, Carlos Bonell, Marcelo Kayath, Jorge Morel, Adam Holzmann, Dagoberto Linhares and many other

(有一份名單裡的音樂家包括: Alirio Diaz, Turibio Santos, Carlos Bonell, Marcelo Kayath, Jorge Morel, Adam Holzmann, Dagoberto Linhares 等)

1977年8月11日逝世,終年80歲。此後,多年來一直跟隨他制琴的兩個兒子法蘭西斯科(生於1925-年)和加布里爾(1929-2013 )繼承了父親的產業。由於年事已高,這二兄弟也已經不再接受新的訂單

Gabriel Fleta加布里爾 弗列塔)2013.1.25逝世享年八十三歲

AM A GUITAR DVD-special purchased for this Fleta event.Before his death in 1977,he worked with his two sons in a small workshop in the old quarter of Barcelona.This film shows how the master carefully crafts each stage in the construction of one of these beautiful instruments.Such was the demand for his famous guitars,that purchasers would wait up to ten years for delivery.about how a guitar is created in the hands of a master luthier; it is also a resounding musical experience. The film’s vibrant background score, which includes works by Tarrega and Albeniz, is played by Canada’s leading classical guitarist, Liona Boyd.

(在他逝世之前,他跟他的兩個兒子在巴塞隆納的一個老居住區裡的小工作室裡工作。這部影片呈現大師如何精心編製這美妙的樂器。甚至有人慕名而來,可以等待將近十年的運送時間。關於了解大師如何手工製作吉他,更是一則相當音樂性的啟示。影片背景中悅耳的配樂是由Tarrega和Albeniz所作,加拿大的首席古典吉他家Liona Boyd所演奏。)




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